Coming up at TUC

Home Church - Thank You

Thank you all for joining in with the home church event last Sunday! It was really special to worship with you like this. May it always be present in our hearts and minds that every moment of our days can be offered up to God in worship, whether we can gather as one big group, or only in smaller groups.

We’d like to say a very big thank you to all the people who opened up their homes and offered hospitality to others; this is much appreciated! Thanks as well for all those who allowed us to live-cross into their homes, with a special mention to Sue for doing the bible reading, Kelvin and the Wuttke family for chatting with us after the message, and Neil for bringing us the benediction. Let us know if you’d be interested in being part of a live-cross in a future service.

Thanks for being good sports about the live-crossing last Sunday! We had a few tech issues, but got there in the end! Thanks, as always, to our amazing tech team.

This Sunday
2 August, 9.30 am


Bible Reading:
Luke 5:1-11

This is Amazing Grace (D)
This is our God (D)
Holy is the Lord (F)
Jesus Messiah (D)
Reckless Love (C)

It’s also Communion this Sunday,
so have your bread and wine/juice ready!

Worship Night
Wednesday 5 August, 7.30 pm

Dance and sing along in your living rooms next Wednesday night as we worship our amazing God!

Camp Connect Rescheduled for 2021


Given the current COVID-19 situation we have decided that it will be safest to reschedule our church camp for the May long weekend in 2021. We apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause. If you had already booked tickets for the camp, we will be in touch shortly to sort out reimbursements. 

While we were all really looking forward to camp as a way to spend quality time with God and with each other, we know that our church community remains strong. And this isn't because of any "hard work" we're doing, but because of how amazingly God has continued to act during this pandemic! Please always reach out to us if you need a hand with anything or if you just want a chat. Thank you for continuing to care for one another; it's been wonderful to see how you are all checking in on one another and providing practical support. We give thanks to God for growing this spirit of community within us as we seek to share His love.