Share the TUC Flyer to your neighbours!

Share the TUC Flyer to your neighbours!

“The Light of Christ For All the World”

Just like our mission, we believe our role as ‘Christians’ is also about sharing the love and light of Christ with everyone for the glory of God. To do this, we have printed out a postcard that invites the locals of Toowong and surrounding suburbs to TUC, or to simply inform them about us - at least!

We have plenty of postcards so please take as many as you want to share them to your neighbours and friends!

To avoid any double drop, please mark on the map available in the foyer any streets you have or are intending to letterbox drop pamphlets to. It will help other members to be aware.

Thank you so very much for your time and support.

TUC Pamphlet Drop Map available in the church foyer.